Thank you for purchasing your treatment using Laybuy!
We will process the payment shortly and let you know if there are any issues with your payment via email.
Oops, there was an error submitting your payment.
Please try again later.
2. Enter in the mobile number that is assigned to your Laybuy account (your Laybuy SMS number) into our Laybuy payment form. You can find your phone number in your Laybuy account details.
3. Head over to our booking page and simulate an appointment on your chosen treatment (this is so that you can see the available dates and times available for your treatment).
4. Once you have pressed the 'Submit payment' button, we will schedule your appointment and a link will be sent to your Laybuy SMS number for you to access and confirm the payments.
5. All done! If there are any issues with your payment or questions you'd like to ask, please contact us.